You need to know who the "Wonderful Corey Perry"

Corey Perry
Video Production Intern
Corey Perry graduated from Alonso High School and is currently attending Valencia College, where he intends to major in Motion Graphics. Corey aspires to work on his own big projects that could help him get a job with Marvel Studios by using the industry skills that he will learn here at Pivot Business Consulting, his first internship. His advice to future students looking for an internship is to know what you want and what to expect. Something that he didn’t expect is his personality profile being The Protagonist. He says that it’s the “most accurate test I’ve taken so far, but sensitivity [didn’t feel accurate]...or maybe I’m just being overly sensitive about it?” Also, somewhere down the road, Corey wants to visit Trinidad, where his father is from.
The last book he read was Hollywood 101 by Patrick Byrd, a great book he recommends to other filmmakers, producers, and the like.